Block Wise Basic Details Count Report

S.No BP Name
(Block Panchayat Code)
Total no of Gp and Equivalent Basic Details Count
1 Drugmulla (263096) 14 14
2 Handwara (263102) 15 15
3 Hayhama (263098) 20 20
4 Kalarooch (671) 19 19
5 Keran (263092) 4 4
6 Kralpora (672) 20 20
7 Kupwara (673) 19 19
8 Langate (674) 7 7
9 Machil (263099) 9 9
10 Magam (263101) 9 9
11 Mawar Kalamabad (263103) 22 22
12 Meliyal (263093) 11 11
13 Nutnoosa (263097) 10 10
14 Qadirabad (263095) 20 20
15 Qaziabad Supernagama (263104) 23 23
16 Rajwar (675) 15 15
17 Ramhal (676) 15 15
18 Reddi Chowkibal (263094) 13 13
19 Sogam (677) 31 31
20 Tangdar (678) 17 17
21 Tarathpora (263100) 13 13
22 Teetwal (679) 15 15
23 Trehgam (680) 14 14
24 Wavoora (681) 30 30
Total 385 385
Report generated through National Panchayat Award ( on Thu, Jul 11, 2024 04:03:31 AM.